October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Here at the Santa Maria Police Officers' Association we feel it is our duty and privilege to help spread the word. The simple truth is this: 1 in 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. This year alone over 250,000 women in our country will be diagnosed with the disease. It is the most common cancer among women worldwide.

These facts are not meant to terrify. They are the truth and why must we take it so seriously. But the news is not solely negative.

Leaps are being made with research using shared data across the world, and keeping a hard focus on awareness is helping U.S. women with early diagnosis and treatment. More cancer centers are being erected. Support groups and Internet education have an enormous reach now. One fantastic organization, Susan G. Komen has established a 24-hour Helpline to help patients and those who simply need support and information.

There is a ray of hope in all of this: there are over 3.3 million breast cancer survivors alive in the U.S. today.

We refuse to rest on that statistic, however, with many needs still unmet. More research is needed. Continuous improvement is needed for existing treatment options. Institutes of Training and Higher Education need funding to carry on finding better and more effective forms of treatment. And women diagnosed or surviving need greater support.

Please take a few moments this month to learn more about breast cancer. Share this article with others. Send a link to a loved one. This is a battle for the women and families in our lives that are facing or may face this dreaded disease.

It has been said that sunshine is the best disinfectant. As long as we keep shining a light on breast cancer, the harder it will be able to hide in the shadows.

Thank You, Santa Maria Police Officers' Association

Some good BCA information links:







