We asked and you generously delivered. Thank you.

As an appreciation of your generosity and thoughtfulness, we want to take a moment to thank you!

Your charitable donation to Santa Maria Police Officers' Association means that we can continue to positively impact our community and support its local causes. This is what paying it forward is all about. By giving back in 2019 you’ve now shown others that you care about the future of our neighborhood.

Your generosity shows that you care about our local youth and police officers. That you strive to work together alongside us in caring for the well being of this community and each other. We can’t thank you enough for your signal of support.

Donors like you help us contribute to after school youth programs, events where we gather together to discuss important issues that affect all of us, and local charities that help those less fortunate than ourselves.

Your simple act of kindness raises the spirits of our officers. Knowing they have support from friends like you, brings a bit of peace and determination to their hearts as they patrol our streets at night.

You are now more than just someone that lives in our community: you helped invest in a brighter future, where we can make a more personal connection with our residents, help educate our youth, and create a safer environment not just now, but for tomorrow!

Thank you again for being a caring member of our community.

The Santa Maria Police Officers' Association

